Are You Prepared? A Whole New Credit Score Is Coming
Yet here's some info that may have slipped past your news feed: In October 2018, the Fair Isaac Corp. (the creators of FICO) announced a whole new scoring method called the UltraFICO.
This new scoring method is expected to be more widely released in April 2019.
FICO vs. UltraFICO: What's the difference?

The UltraFICO, in contrast, does look at your banking behavior, adding it to the mix along with more traditional metrics like your credit card payments. UltraFICO examines your checking, savings, and/or money market accounts (which are similar to savings accounts but offer a higher interest rate in exchange for maintaining a higher balance), and reports on details such as the following:
Your account history: How long have you had these accounts? The longer the better.
Your account balance: According to the UltraFICO website, it's looking for “a healthy average balance.” It doesn't spell out exactly what that means, but it suggests that consumers with a balance of at least $400 over a three-month period should fare well with this new scoring system.
Your account activity: Do you regularly pay your bills through your bank account? If you don't, you may want to start, since that will be considered, too, particularly how often you pay your recurring bills (e.g., cellphone and utility bills).
If you show responsible financial behavior in these accounts, this could improve your credit score. If you have imperfect credit or no credit but you have a positive banking history, your score may see a nice boost.

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